Ensure your training and licences are up-to-date and verified by experts!

To assist in your work health and safety requirements, employers MUST ensure their employees or contractors not only have the relevant training competencies or licences to commence work, they must also ensure they are competent and have the most up-to-date information to carry out their duties.

The easiest way for this to be proven is to have a subject matter expert or trainer/assessor put their skills and knowledge to the test via a verification of competency process!

What is a VOC?

A VOC, or "Verification of competency" is a proven method to ensure a worker not only has the initial training, competency or licensing required for a task, they also are current and confident to carry out their duties in the safest and most productive way.

Many workers gain qualifications, competencies and/or licences, however do not update, up-skill or even use these skills for many years after first obtaining them, creating a safety concern for themselves and others.

To overcome this issue, the simple process of VOC's can be implemented


What is the VOC process?

At platinum safety and training, we make the VOC process simple and fast, to not only ensure your workplace is a safer one, but to get your workers assessed quickly, so they can confidently continue their duties with minimal down-time. 

Step 1: Ensure the candidate has a current licence or competency for the VOC subject 

Step 2: Complete some enrolment details to our student management system (for records and certifications)

Step 3: A quick theory based lesson and assessment

Step 4: A quick practical base lesson and demonstrations followed by the practical assessment

Step 5: Assessor will use a checklist that is mapped to the unit of competency to ensure the candidate can                successfully demonstrate all required knowledge and performance criteria

Step 6: Assessor to determine result and provide feedback to candidate and employer/manager

Step 7: A certificate "Verification of Competency" will be generated and sent to both candidate and employer

Platinum safety and training offer Verification of Competency for:

  • High Risk Work Licences: Forklift, Dogging and EWP (boom type over 11m)


  • Plant and Equipment: Overhead gantry crane, Telehandler, EWP (Scissor lift, Boom type under 11m)


  • Confined space entry, gas tester, breathing apparatus, confined space rescue


  • Work at heights, heights rescue

Complete your verification of competencies at your worksite in Sydney or anywhere in NSW

Price guide: Corporate group bookings

Please contact us for a quote!

Prices are GST Free

More information

If you would like to know more start a conversation with us today and find out what Platinum Safety and Training can do to help you.